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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Its hot, pickin berries, plantin things

It has been too hot even for me today. I went out long enough to take care of the blackberries that we picked last evening. Put 6quarts in the freezer, started some blackberry syrup and made some juice. I picked cucumbers last evening as well and we made 3 quarts and 3 pints of bread and butter pickles. We do have several tomatoes ripe now, at least we can have enough to eat on.
I have been out several times today checking on the chickens and making sure they had water. They have done OK so far although they get really hot about mid-day. The chickens will be where it is really cool in about another week and a half. They will be in the freezer.
I had a bright idea today and decided to order a home brewers kit for making beer and some wine making equipment. I should be set in a few weeks when this arrives. It will make the process easier to care for and make consistent quality wine. My personal preference is a good Merlot. This is something I have always wanted to be able to do really well. And this is why I keep picking berries and fighting the chiggers.
We went around to Jason's house this evening and picked the blackberries that were behind the old corn crib. They were really nice big juicy berries. I froze those this evening to make wine later on when I have more time. I am pretty sure I have enough blackberry jam canned and blackberries for cobbler to last a few years. I likely will be making more blackberry syrup to use for non-alcoholic drinks as well. It does make a good bedtime drink in winter.
Our sweet corn is almost ready and in a normal season we have a problem with crows eating it all before it gets completely ready. The year we had deer net fence around the perimeter of our garden, the crows did not get one ear. They sat in trees nearby and hollered. They are afraid of getting into a trap. So we decided to take some of the deer netting and cut it into long pieces and toss it over the tops of the stalks of corn around the perimeter of the corn patch to see if this also deters them. If it works, after this little patch of corn is done the net will be taken down and moved to the next area that will be coming on until all the corn is harvested.
While we were in the garden I had Rodger plow up a place for me to plant some more Kentucky wonder bush beans. The ground is warm and the bean seed came from the freezer so I hope they will be up in a few days. We should have pink eye purple hull peas ready maybe this weekend. Cant wait to have a mess of those.
So till next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.


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