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Saturday, January 15, 2011

The cornmeal is done

The fellow that has the gristmill that grinds our corn for cornmeal was up and running today. So Rodger had an appointment to be there at noon to get ours ground. It was close to 2 bushels of corn and he brought home 3 nice big pillow cases full of cornmeal. I set them in the freezer for the freeze cycle to kill any bug eggs that might hatch out. Will probably let them stay in there a couple weeks the then bag it up and vacuum seal it and store it. My good friend Rosie doesn't know yet but she will be getting a whole bunch of fresh corn meal when I visit her in spring, or just a couple months. But now we are finally done with all the fall chores here, and its January. I tole ya we got behind for some reason.
Not much happening around here right now, just planning the next seasons garden and making plans on where to build a pen for a couple pigs to raise for meat next fall. I do know the garden will be good size as usual, thas a given, still not sure about the pigs yet and where they are gonna live. Another project that will take place in really early spring is getting the chicken pen put up so the laying hens can run out in day time. With Rob moving last fall and we stayed busy all season it just was low on the list of to-do things. I had given some thought to maybe building the pen for the pigs near the chicken lot for ease of feeding. May have to take a closer look at that possibility.
Till next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.



Anonymous said...

Good job! The neverending cycle of farm life and self-sufficiency, huh? I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Apple Pie Gal said...

We were talking last night and this is one thing that we both agreed we want to do! I figure for two of us, it shouldn't take up that much space and why the heck wouldn't we???

Jane said...

I am glad you got finished! Now maybe you can relax a little bit.I read all your posts,never miss one! well,til next time,take care,Blessings jane