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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter has arrived

Winter has finally arrived for sure in these parts. We have had snow this week and rain galore. I don't like cold weather so I try to have an excuse to stay in most days. I got out this morning to feed the cats and dog and was pleasantly surprised at the temps. It was a good 60 degrees with a good bit of wind, almost spring like. The wind got much stronger as the day progressed. There were several trees down all over the county and some took out power lines. In our little hollow we got wind but no damage. Unless ya count the stuff that got blown about that probably should have been tied down anyway. I had a large piece of rubber roofing folded laying on the picnic table out back that was blown off and hit the temporary fence around the onion bed and broke one of the post off. So I didn't let the pullets out to forage cause we all know that is where they would go first. I also had to put the rubber roofing back over the compost and manure we had layered in front of the cellar, it was scattered about.
I went into the cellar to check the temperature and found it to be nice and cool and dry. We have many bushels of sweet potatoes stored in there and lots of jars of canned stuff. I think we are all set for winter around here.
Earlier this morning I decided to go to moms apartment and start trying to get her stuff packed and ready to move to storage while she is in the nursing home. I think she will be there for a good long while. She says she is feeling OK, but she does seem a little confused some days. I think I finally have all her laundry done and ready to pack up. Now I am working on the kitchen stuff. Will probably spend this weekend trying to get most of that done while hubby is out of town deer hunting. Hopefully he can get a couple more deer to make jerky and stew meat from. But I really shouldn't plan things as something will surely happen to make them change. Thas the story of my life. So till next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.


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