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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The garden has officially started

I guess it is safe to say we have officially started to get our garden out. Rodger got peas planted back around Valentines day and they are up and look really good. We think maybe the birds found the first carrot seeds he planted at the same time. So this evening we re-planted the carrots and got our potatoes planted as well as 400 onion sets. I had taken my Hummer to the shop to have a mirror fixed on it and get the computer cleared from the low tired pressure alert that it kept showing. Stopped at the local feed store and picked up the fertilizer to use when we planted the taters. Came on home and checked all the critters and birds. The dumb momma hens somehow drown both the lil chicks in a bowl with about 2 inches of water in it. I am guessing from the looks of it the hens were scratching and kicked the chicks in the water and then scratched till the bowl was filled with dirt and straw an manure till it suffocated the lil ones. I will not let those 2 hens set eggs again. My meat birds are doing great. Eatin good and growing fast. I came to the house and got the seed potatoes cut up and ready to plant. After supper Jason, Mary Kay and Miranda met us in the garden and we got all the taters and onions planted in a very short time. Miranda was so cute planting the onion sets. Jason had the bright idea to make a ridge in the row and I would put the fertilizer in and he would rake the other side up to complete the ridge. Then plant the onion sets on the ridge. Rodger showed her how to set them with the root end down. She did great. She also helped Rodger cover the taters with a garden rake as we planted them.  Once you show her how to do something she does it right. This year Jason dropped the taters about 1 ft apart and I put the fertilizer in between the taters. We can hope for big taters and no bugs.

Not much else happening on the farm today. So till next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.


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