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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weeding, planting, starting plants

The weather was rather nice today and I actually felt like getting outside to do a few things. The past couple days I have been pretty sluggish. I think it is probably the new blood pressure meds and they may be elevating the blood sugar as well. I will get them adjusted soon, at least I hope. Damn it, take meds to fix one thing and it breaks something else. Oh well!!
I worked on the strawberry pyramid out back today. It had a good deal of weeds that had gotten started in there. I decided it was easier to just take all the dormant strawberry plants out and dig up the whole thing and replant the plants. So that is what I did. I had about 50 or so plants that I didn't put back, lack of room, so I put those in soil in a tray to transfer to the berry patch in the big garden a lil later on. As I tole ya before I got damping off in my onion seedlings and I decided to just cut my losses and re-seed the 2 trays. I dried the soil today and treated it and got more seeds in there and the trays are back in the house, WITH drain holes. Now we can see how we do this time around. Sometimes you just have to laugh at your boo boos and move on. 
I got the herb bed and onion/asparagus beds weeded today too while it was nice out. Now I need to get mulch hauled to cover them to keep em looking nice and keep down weeds. All the herbs are starting to green up and start growing again.
Yesterday the guys got a big cage built to fit the back of Jason's truck for transporting small livestock. So hopefully if the rivers are not out of their banks this weekend we can go get out pigs before the price goes up any more. Livestock prices in our area are getting ridiculous. We have been kinda plotting on getting set up to keep a few sows and a male to raise our own pigs. We are figuring it will likely take at least 3 sows having pigs twice a year to be able to sell enough to pay to keep the stock and our meat animals will be free. This might be something we could do next year. This year we just don't have buildings or fences ready for em.
I had also hoped that it would be dry enough to plant raspberries and move some strawberries in the field this weekend but sure don't look like that will happen. It is raining now as I write. But this lil rain should settle the plants in that I disturbed today. 
Nothing else happening here, so til next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.



Jen said...

Sounds like things are startin' off to a good start at yer place. Spring is definitely here. Today I put a lil bouquet of flowers together during our afternoon break at work. Things sure gettin green seems everwhere. ~'Jenny'

Mary said...

Have you ever just bought the onion sets? I picked up some bundles of them already started. Then you don't worry about fussing with them--and they have more of a chance to get bigger. I just plant sweet onions and red onions. The only way to keep onions here is to dry them or freeze them--they won't keep otherwise. So I just go for my two favorites and they usually have them in feedstores or other places in late winter. I envy the strawberry pyramid. Always wanted one of those. I just plant 'em. This year I only planted 6 since we're moving again probably in the fall. I have 'em at the house in SC but I'm sure they're weeded over big time by now. Ah well..