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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Uses for dried tomatoes

I have a lot of sun dried tomatoes that I wanted to do something with. This is one of the ideas for using them. They can then be used many different ways and when the tomatoes are all gone from the jar of oil you can use it to flavor salad dressings and such. Enjoy! Till next time, blessings from the McGuire homestead.
clipped from

Recipe: Homemade Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

- layer of tomatoes
- sprinkle of kosher salt
- pinch of dried oregano
- pinch of garlic
- and a layer of fresh basel leaves
Repeat the above layering process until you're nearly at the top of the jar (don't over stuff the jar because your last step includes filling the jar with olive oil).  Finally, fill the jar with the layered tomatoes with olive oil, making sure that the tomatoes are completely submerged.  Screw on the lid tightly and store the jar in a cool, dark, closet or cupboard.
You'll need to let the tomatoes sit
6-8 days before consuming them
- 3-4 cups of olive oil depending on the size of canning jar
- Fresh basel (you'll need a good amount of leaves to include in each layer, more on this below)
- 4-5 cloves of minced garlic
- ½ cup of dried oregano 
- Kosher salt 
- 3-5 pounds of sun dried tomatoes
 blog it

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